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Past Issues

Beginning and End of Life

Health: Issue One

The first of our four-part series on Health and Medicine, this issue probes the mystery found at the beginning and end of life. It seems no coincidence that it is also this issue that marks the final farewell to our founding editor, Stratford Caldecott, who passed away on July 17 after a protracted battle with cancer. He is greatly missed.

Home and Neighborhood

Home: Issue Three

“Home and Neighborhood” is the last of a three-part series examining the pressures on the family in the contemporary world. With this issue, we move beyond the domestic sphere to include reflections on neighborhood, community, and the impact of the built environment on human relationships.

Catholicism and the Future of Medicine

Health: Issue Four

This issue is the fruit of an ongoing dialogue between the CCPR and a group of doctors at the Mayo clinic concerning the nature of medicine, the nature of the human body, and of the necessary link between health and the religious dimension of the human being.

Technology in the Home

Home: Issue Two

What is the impact of technology in the home, especially the new information technology, and the social media? Are these technologies rewiring our brains? Is technology really morally neutral? Is it just a tool we use, or can it be said to be using us for its own built-in purposes? What are the implications for home life, for family time, for reading, for the atmosphere in which we live?

A Mother's Work

Home: Issue One

This issue is the first of a three-part series on the theme of “Home and the Family.” Here we reflect on the meaning, challenges and joys of motherhood, examine the impact of day care on young children and take part in the recent debate on “work–life balance,” as sparked by Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead and Anne-Marie Slaughter’s influential article on the same topic in The Atlantic.

Humanum: Issues in Family, Culture & Science
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
620 Michigan Ave. N.E. (McGivney Hall)
Washington, DC 20064