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Pablo Picasso, The Tragedy (detail)

Children of Divorce

Origins: Issue One

This issue is the first of our four-part series on “recovering origins,” where we consider the various dimensions of the origin of the child, all of which have been put into question today in thought and in practice. The first of those is the unity of two −by which everyone always and everywhere comes into being− in the face of the wide-spread practice of divorce. For many years talk about divorce has minimized the effect of divorce on children (provided the divorce was a “good divorce”). Adult Children of divorce themselves have begun to say otherwise by identifying an “ontological wound” left by the break in their unitary origin. If what they say is true, this has enormous implications for society – implications so large that the topic is likely to be avoided and the evidence disregarded by mainstream political and media groups. All the more reason, then, to focus on it.

Book Reviews

Humanum: Issues in Family, Culture & Science
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
620 Michigan Ave. N.E. (McGivney Hall)
Washington, DC 20064