D. C. Schindler is Associate Professor of Metaphysics and Anthropology at the John Paul II Institute, an editor of Communio: International Catholic Review, and the author of The Catholicity of Reason (Eerdmans, 2013) and The Perfection of Freedom: Schiller, Schelling, and Hegel Between the Ancients and the Moderns (Cascade Books, 2012), among others.
D. C. Schindler
D. C. Schindler : Defining Life, Defining Law
D. C. Schindler : Religious Liberty and the Reality of the Christian Tradition
D. C. Schindler : Social Media Is Hate Speech: A Platonic Reflection on Contemporary Misology
D. C. Schindler : *Quaerere Deum*: Work as Love of God and World
D. C. Schindler : On Why a Tool Belt Belongs in a Backpack
D. C. Schindler : The Unsurpassable Significance of the Child